What are you planting in your psyche?

4 min readAug 24, 2020

What are the thoughts you ruminate about? Are they life-affirming? Joy-affirming? Or are they about past (and future) failures, of incompetence or lack of anything?

One of my friends once said “What you think doesn’t matter as much as the actions you take” of course I immediately disagreed because the root of all actions comes from what you think! Your actions stem from your thoughts and more precisely your beliefs about something.

In the words of Abraham Hicks “A belief is simply a habit of thought”

Thoughts you choose to think continuously from time to time become your beliefs. Now once these beliefs are formed and unfortunately most of them are perfect examples of self-sabotage, start to govern your life instead of you. But more on that later.

The most common saying which almost each human being has come across by now is “You reap what you sow”. In every culture across the world this saying is naturally prevalent and since ancient times in most places. This phrase is most cleverly mocked on the Indian daughters-in-law by their mothers-in-law who made the wrong assumption that they are manipulating and witchy meanwhile completely ignoring the fact that this saying applies on them too!

But keeping aside the karma of your actions, the question is “What are you feeding yourself?” “What are you sowing in the fertile soil of your mind and more esoterically in the energy of your Being?”

You are a human; a healthy, functioning, clear thinking human. You have a brain (stating the obvious are we?) and yet you are the slave of your messy thinking. Your agile mind is giving you back what you feed it. Your beautiful heart is acting the way you choose to feel every day and most importantly your wise soul is tired of this mess (I want to say BS) you keep putting yourself into. The humankind has evolved to some level to realize this by now. It is time we act on it.

Another one of my sketches, perfectly sums up this article! Sangmitra ©

The things consciously and unconsciously you are planting every day in your being is constantly forming your new energy. Hence you will be reaping what you sow. You cannot expect to have a rainbow-filled spring life while your thoughts reflect scenes from horror movies.

With the world always giving us reasons to be less kind and more hateful, trust less and isolate and more such diminishing things we tend to plant thoughts which cut wounds in our spirit. Hate, Lack of trust, Sheer dislike of the people, our twisted upbringing of hating certain kind of people and behaving a certain way in XYZ situations, all of this become part of our personality and then without realizing, these begin to replay themselves in our day and on a larger level in our life.

I agree, the world is not in the best place right now but was it ever? The people aren’t kind but this is not a good and valid reason to turn your heart stone cold. There would always be something to make you sad, to turn you bitter, to make you feel less but the only power you have is your focus and being the gatekeeper of what you decide to let in. As soon as you shift that, the things around you clink, clank and bang begin to change!

I also agree with your next thought “But it is not as easy as you say! I just can’t stop being miserable and start loving everything!”

Yes I know and you don’t have to. Do you stop addictions as soon as you want to? One day I am smoking cigarettes and the next day “what are those sticks in people’s mouths with smoke coming out?” Of course not! It doesn’t work like that. Always, always start any change with a small step.

Just change a single thought for 20 seconds. Hold that good thought for 20 seconds and slowly the mind will start to loosen up.

The grind in the mind (it rhymes!) will begin to shift and new horizons would pop up like cackling dolphins in the ocean waves. And whenever you are making a change within yourself, just focus this change only to yourself and your life. Do not try to implement this change outside your area. This would ensure that you do not (unsuccessfully) try to change others (and the world) without first changing yourself. So, focus on yourself first!

Awareness will bring the change you didn’t even know you needed. Awareness of your thoughts with a simple question “What am I planting in my psyche?” thoughts of failure, hate, unnecessary grind work, century-old thoughts such as “Life is hard”?

It is time to think anew, you cannot expect your life to turn magnificent while you keep your mind in the same gutter hole.

1. Be aware of what you are planting within

2. Start small and change one thought a day

Stop seeing yourself and your life from a lens of failure, hate and judgment. Bring about a radical shift in your thinking and perception about you and your life and the change will come running to you, not immediately but eventually.

So, just ponder today

“What am I planting in my psyche?”

Sending you thoughts of love and change

Until next time





Sangmitra is an inspiring writer and author. Content Writer | Technology | Mindfulness | Spirituality | Healing